
4JF Advertising exists to help small business. We are passionate about small business owners being the life blood of our economy. We believe that starting a small business can be one of the most rewarding decisions a person can make. Everyone has a different reason for starting a small business, whether it be for tax purposes, a side hustle to bring in some extra money, to work on something they are passionate about or independence.

Starting a small business is one of the best tools to move someone from a lower income bracket to a higher one. Being a small business owner can help fight poverty, low incomes and the associated problems with not having enough money. We are committed to providing competitive products, services and information to current or aspiring small business owners to help increase profit and to compete against the large corporations.

We live in an environment that has significantly changed in the last two years. Government policies designating some businesses as “essential” only harmed small business owners while making large businesses record profits. Small Business has to adapt, modernize, become more efficient and staff better to compete in this new market.

The services we provide are for small business. We provide the same services to local political campaigns since many small business services overlap with campaigns. We specialize in helping small business and work to provide the right mix of products and services to take small businesses to the next level. We are on a mission to strengthen and grow local small business so that they increase percentage in the market vs big business.